OIOE2024 welcome original papers in the field of Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering
1, Optoelectronic technology
2, Optoelectronics and information electronics
3, Optical engineering
Authors are invited to submit papers via : Online Submission System
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2-3 reviewers and evaluated on the originality of the content, technical and research content/depth, correctness, relevance to the conference, contribution and readability.The accepted papers (registered and presented) of OIOE2024 will be published on Conference Proceedings, which will be indexed by EI Compendex.
The International Conference Optoelectronic Information and Optical Engineering (OIOE2024) has been held on October 18-20, 2024 in Wuhan, China. It mainly discusses the latest research and skills in the fields of optics, mechanics, electronics and computer science, and jointly exchanges the design and manufacturing methods of photoelectric instruments in the field of optoelectronic information, and explores optoelectronic devices and optical processing technology. OIOE2024 warmly welcomes scientists, scholars, engineers and student scholars from academia and industry around the world to participate in the conference, actively exchange and discuss, establish contacts between peer scholars, and seek more cooperation opportunities.
OIOE2024 is technically sponsored by IEEE ComSoc France Chapter, Organized by American Natural Science and Technology.
Latest tips: All manuscripts have been submitted to SPIE, corresponding authors please check the email in the near future, and modify the details as soon as possible. The SPIE team is meticulous, efficient and professional; Every author is kindly requested to actively cooperate with the work of the contact editor.
Optical sensor Lithography, microscopy Graphene, liquid crystal material Optical remote sensing imaging Holographic and 3D display Spectral imaging Photoelectric materials and devices Solar cell Photovoltaic technology | Optical fiber communication Photoelectric system Wireless communication, data transmission Image processing, intelligent algorithms Electromagnetic and electromagnetic fields Photoelectric detection and signal processing Internet of Things |
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2-3 reviewers and evaluated on the originality of the content, technical and research content/depth, correctness, relevance to the conference, contribution and readability. The accepted papers (registered and presented) of OIOE2024 will be published by Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (ISSN: 0277786X) in the Proceedings, wihch will be submitted to SPIE Digital Library, EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing. SPIE publications are listed in the latest EI Compendex Source List.
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineerng, SPIE is a non-profit professional organization in the United States. Its members are scientists, engineers and users, as well as those interested in the practical application and popularization of optical engineering technology. As of 1992, there are about 50,000 members all over the world. The SPIE proceedings bring together the latest research results in the fields of optical engineering, optical physics, optical test instruments, remote sensing, lasers, robotics and their industrial applications, optoelectronics, image processing and computer applications.